Crab Workers

Trabajadores (as) Huésped adscritas al CDM

Trabajadores (as) Huésped adscritas al CDM

Where does the crab meat you use in ceviche come from?If it’s from the United States, it is probably the product of temporary migrant workers’ labor. The Mexican women who work shelling crab and crawfish in the United States are often victims of deceitful recruitment, and they work long days, do not get paid for overtime or have regular breaks, according to labor rights activists. A migrant worker hired in Mexico to shell crab in North Carolina joins a labor rights activist to discuss the problem, in a recent edition of Radio Bilingüe’s national news talk show, Línea Abierta. Marco Vinicio González prepared a report with the material. This story is part of the series Voy Contratado: Migrant Rights.

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