Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden Considers Canceling Student Debt by Executive Order – President Biden has already canceled nearly $10 billion in student debt and ordered an emergency suspension of student loan payments until January due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, congressional leaders and the universities are urging Biden to use his executive authority to pay off the debt carried by delinquent students once and for all. In an interview with our news director, Samuel Orozco, the national leader of Hispanic universities questioned whether the president could ever pay off all student loan debt. Debt cancellation could proceed in a limited way, said Antonio Flores, executive director of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities in San Antonio, Texas.

What Does the Suspension of Federal Eviction Protections Mean for Tenants? – Tenant advocates have condemned a recent Supreme Court decision to scrap eviction protections signed by President Biden. Faced with the risk of a wave of evictions in the coming weeks and months, activists are recommending using state or municipal protections. Executive director of Eviction Defense Network, Attorney Elena Popp spoke about this with Chelis López. Listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Thursday, September 2nd at radioblingue.org.

Latino Vote Decisive in Recall Election for California Governor – Millions of California voters have already voted by mail and have just over a week left to decide whether to remove or confirm Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom. The latest polls show a very close election, and analysts agree that Latino voters will decide the race. In the final stretch, several campaigns are fighting for the Latino vote in neighborhoods and on media and social networks. Rubén Tapia witnessed this electoral activism and brings us this report.

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