Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Infrastructure Package Includes Now Draft of Immigration Reform – In a key step toward immigration reform, the House Judiciary Committee has approved the language of the immigration provisions included in the Social Infrastructure Package led by Democrats. The plan include the legalization of 8 million immigrants, including Dreamers, essential workers and those with temporary permits. What’s in the future of the plan? José López Zamorano brings us the details.

Expert Supports President Biden’s National Vaccine Mandate – In an effort to halt the explosion of Covid-19 Delta variant and spur economic recovery, President Biden ordered new federal requirements to vaccinate two thirds of workers in the country. This includes some private sector workers, federal contractors, and healthcare workers. Biden says the unvaccinated minority can do a lot of harm and that it’s time to move from incentives to mandates. Dr. Jeannette Guarner, from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, a leading pathologist and strong advocate for the mandates, welcomed the presidential decision. You can hear the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Thursday, September 16 at radiobilingue.org.

California, Including Latinos, Issues a Resounding “No” to Removal of Governor – California voters have issued a resounding “no” to the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom, ultimately rejecting the bid by supporters of former President Trump and validating Governor Newsom’s pandemic plan. To win, Democrats relied on a broad coalition of union organizers, immigrants, environmentalists and women who made millions of calls and door-to-door visits. In addition, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris visited the state on the eve of the elections. Rubén Tapia reports from Los Angeles with some reactions.

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