Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Climate Change a Big Issue for Voters in November – The aftermath of the intense hurricane and wildfire season will be on the minds of voters during the midterm elections in November. Latino voters report that climate change became one of their top five issues of interest. What does this mean for the candidates’ agenda in the regions most affected by recent climate disasters? José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Beto and Abbott Lock Horns in Texas Gubernatorial Debate – Immigration, abortion rights and gun violence were the hottest issues that opened the first and only debate between candidates for governor in Texas. The race between Republican Greg Abbott, who is seeking re-election, and his Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke, is the closest in decades. Gerardo Guzmán presents a summary of the highlights of the debate.

Los Angeles County Declared a Sanctuary for Reproductive Rights – In the wake of the Supreme Court decision that overturned the landmark case guaranteeing abortion rights, Los Angeles County has unanimously approved a resolution aimed at preserving that right. The measure creates a pilot project to expand reproductive services and abortion to women in California and other states, including undocumented women. Rubén Tapia reports from Los Angeles and brings us the details.

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