Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden’s First State of the Union: Weak on Immigration? – In his first State of the Union address, President Biden appealed for national unity in the face of the invasion of Ukraine and asked for congressional support for tougher sanctions against Russia. On domestic policies, Biden weighed in on plans to combat the pandemic, recovery measures and investments in infrastructure. And while he reiterated his support for immigration reform, many are asking for more. José López Zamorano brings the details from Washington.

Blood Donations Rise in the US Northwest Amid Shortage – After Washington State Governor Jay Inslee urged people to donate blood last month in the face of a national shortage of crisis proportions, residents have responded to the call. Still, representatives of the Red Cross are urging for continued and ongoing donations. The call is directed especially to Latinos in the region. José Luis Buen Abad reports from Seattle and explains why.

Mexico Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Rejects Sanctions – In response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, top Mexican leaders condemned the attacks but also expressed opposition to the economic sanctions against the Russian Federation. Some members of civil society are asking the Mexican government to play a more active role in promoting peace in Eastern Europe. Citlali Saenz reports from Mexico City on this and the impact of the war on the lives of Mexicans.

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