Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

2020 Census Undercount Causes Criticism and Possible Lawsuits – Millions of Latinos, Blacks and Native Americans were undercounted in the 2020 census at a higher rate than 10 years ago. The undercount means these communities will receive less of the multibillion-dollar federal resources doled out annually. Citizens’ groups expressed their displeasure and are considering civil lawsuits or requesting adjustments to the undercount from the federal office. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington, DC.

Protests Against Controversial Law Limiting Sex Education in Elementary Schools in Florida – Protesters in Florida are opposing a controversial law that limits elementary school teachers from teaching their students about gender and sexuality. The “Parental Rights in Education” bill, dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” by opponents, passed both Republican-controlled houses of the state Congress. To become law it only needs to be signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, one of its promoters. LGBTQ activists warn about the repercussions of the law on the mental health of minors and their families, and promise to continue raising their voices in the streets and at the ballot box, reports Yemille Castejón.

Radio messages educate indigenous communities about the pandemic  – To educate Indigenous Mexican communities about the pandemic in their native language, a community radio station in the northwestern state of Oregon has been broadcasting a successful pilot program sponsored by the state government for more than 8 months. To design and deliver the messages, they invited several women from these communities, mostly farm workers who were hard hit by COVID-19. José Luis Buen Abad gives us a glimpse of the messages and the future of the project.

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