Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Amid Political Tensions, Donald Trump Expected to Be Arrested – Republicans are decrying the imminent criminal prosecution and possible arrest of Donald Trump for “hush money” payments to a porn actress, calling it a “witch hunt”, amid silence from Democrats. Trump has already announced his plan to run for the highest office again this November, so what will be the consequences for the Republican nomination and the presidential elections? Jose López Zamorano brings us the details.

Suspicions Raised After Another Latina Soldier Dies in Texas Barracks – More than 10 days after the death of young soldier Ana Basualdo Ruiz at the Fort Hood barracks in Texas, her family is refusing to accept that it was suicide, as the military authorities claim. According to the family, Basualdo complained of sexual harassment by her superiors. Military commanders say they will continue to investigate. Fort Hood is the same military base where another young soldier, Vanessa Guillen, was murdered three years ago after suffering sexual harassment. Mariana Pineda reports from Houston.

California to End Racist Language from Home Deeds—But How? – In the mid-to-late 20th century, it was common for property deeds to include covenants that prevented people of color from buying houses in white residential areas. And although these covenants were outlawed in 1968, the racist language continued to appear on deeds. To correct these discriminatory terms, California has enacted a law requiring these covenants to be removed from its property and lease records. Fresno County, in the Central Valley, has taken steps to modify millions of deeds, but the work has stalled due to disagreements among board supervisors. What’s behind this discord? How will the law help root out prejudice in housing and bring people of different races closer together? Victor Palomino brings us the details from Fresno.

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