Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Pacifists Warn of Escalating War in Ukraine – After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a virtual address to the U.S. Congress calling for a no-fly zone and more weapons, President Biden announced an additional $800 million in new aid spending for Ukraine. A majority of both parties in Congress welcome the new military aid to Ukraine, but peace activists believe the arms shipment will escalate the war. Medea Benjamin, leader of the peace group Code Pink spoke with our news director Samuel Orozco. You can listen to the full interview on Línea Abierta’s March 16 program at radiobilingue.org.

Pressure Mounts for Biden to End Expulsion of Immigrants – Hundreds of civil rights organizations and a group of Democratic lawmakers are increasing pressure on the Biden administration to suspend a controversial measure known as Title 42. This is an emergency public health policy used by former President Trump that allows immigrants to be expelled without due process due to the pandemic.  José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Doctors Offer Hotline for Immigrant Inmates at Risk of Covid – Throughout the two-year Covid-19 pandemic, immigrants confined in the nation’s detention centers have suffered disproportionately. Prison officials say thousands have refused to be vaccinated. To allay doubts and fears, doctors have volunteered to educate inmates over the phone about the pandemic and the benefits of immunization. The pilot program is nearing its one-year anniversary. Heidi de Marco, a reporter for Kaiser Health News, reports from downtown Los Angeles.

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