Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden’s Spending Plan Gets Mixed Reactions – The new budget plan unveiled this week by President Biden was met with mixed feelings. Environmental leaders praise the historic investment in combating climate change through a tax hike on billionaires. However, the immigration spending plan drew criticism from both sides. Democrats called the border enforcement spending excessive, while Republicans deemed it insufficient. José López Zamorano joins us from Washington with the details.

In Florida, Food Giants Are Urged to Help to End Slavery in the Fields – More than 100 farm worker activists and supporters are marching for five rainy days in Florida to urge three food chains to join the Fair Food Program and end modern-day slavery in agricultural fields. The 45-mile march, bound for the luxurious seaside enclave of Palm Beach, is also a celebration of a decade of progress on human rights in the rural South. The Fair Food Program began in Florida’s tomato fields, and the business model is already being applied to other crops in nine other states. March organizer Gerardo Reyes of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers comments. Listen to the full interview in archives of Línea Abierta archives for Tuesday, March 14 and Wednesday, March 15 at radiobilingue.org.

Latino Family Separated by Trump’s Public Charge Policies is Reunited – Under former President Trump, a father from California’s Central Valley was separated from his family when he left for Mexico for his last immigration appointment. The same thing happened to thousands of legal residency applicants whose U.S. citizen children had applied for welfare benefits and were thus considered a “public charge.” Now that President Biden has reversed the controversial policy, José Luis Ruiz Arévalos was able to legally return to his family after almost four years of separation. EdSource digital magazine reporter and Radio Bilingüe contributor Zaidee Stavely followed his story and witnessed the emotional family reunion. She reports from Los Baños, California. This story was produced in collaboration with EdSource.

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