Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Amid War in Ukraine, Huge Spending Package Advances in Congress – With pressure from the war in Ukraine, the House of Representatives has voted in favor of a trillion-dollar budget deal. The package includes emergency aid for Ukraine and its European allies and major increases in resources for public education and combating climate change. José López Zamorano reports from Washington on the House vote and its repercussions.

Opposition Grows to Massive Immigration Jail in Georgia – Civil rights leaders in Georgia demonstrated in front of a detention center that could soon become the largest immigration jail in the country. Local authorities recently approved the expansion of this facility, owned by GEO corporation. The leaders will also send a letter to President Joe Biden asking him to close all immigration detention centers in the country. Yemille Castejón reports from Atlanta.

Undocumented Workers Could Receive Unemployment Insurance in California – Although undocumented workers were among the hardest hit by the pandemic, they received little state or federal aid. In order to help the jobless, California Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia is proposing to create a pilot program that would extend unemployment insurance payments to include undocumented workers. Garcia shares some details of his project with Chelis Lopez. You can listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Monday, March 7.

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