Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Immigration Registry Date Change Proposed, and 8 Million Stand to Benefit – With the support of prominent immigrants’ rights organizations, Latino legislators have unveiled a new bill that could legalize more than eight million undocumented immigrants in one fell swoop. The bill would update what is known as the “registry date” in immigration law. Despite pre-election political tensions, the bill’s sponsors believe they will achieve sufficient bipartisan support. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

On Women’s Day, Journalists Reflect on the Wage Gap, Domestic Violence and Guns – On International Women’s Day, Latina journalists reflected on the problems that continue to plague women in the United States. One is the pay gap between men and women in the same job position, especially for Latinas. The other is mass shootings, which in many cases turn out to be linked to domestic violence by men. Journalists Perla Trevizo and Rossana Longo-Better discussed these topics with Chelis Lopez. You can listen to the complete interviews in the archives of Línea Abierta for Wednesday, March 8 at radiobilingue.org.

Four Hunger Strikers in California Private Immigration Prison Transferred to Texas – Four immigrants being held at a detention center in California’s Central Valley were suddenly transferred to Texas after they held a 20-day hunger strike protesting mistreatment. Lawyers and activists in the Bakersfield region are denouncing the move, calling for an end to the abuses and for the detained immigrants to be allowed to continue their immigration process in freedom. Rubén Tapia has this report.

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