Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Third Stimulus Package Hotly Debated in Senate – To avoid defections in their ranks over the new economic stimulus package, Senate Democratic leaders axed an increase in the minimum wage and reduced the number of recipients of relief checks. While some Democrats from the progressive faction were opposed to the changes, experts agree that it is the only way to pass the bill given the slim majority Democrats enjoy. If there are no surprises, the package should pass the Senate this weekend. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Premiere of Radio Balam, Voice of the Mayan Mam People in California – In a Latino neighborhood in Oakland, a group of indigenous youth from Guatemala’s Mam ethnic group recently launched an online radio station to help their community, which has been deeply affected by the pandemic and the economic crisis. This is the only media outlet for Latinos to broadcast in the Mayan language. Fernando Andrés Torres visited the studio and tells us how volunteer announcers and journalists are striving to provide information and entertainment in their ancient Mayan language and help the Mam people to adapt to their new home.

President Bukele’s Party Sweeps Elections in El Salvador – As projected, the party of El Salvador’s controversial president, Nayib Bukele, has swept the recent legislative elections. With a majority in the National Assembly, Bukele, a businessman often called the “Trump of Central America,” will now be able to rule without checks and balances. What does this victory mean for the impoverished Central American country that achieved democracy after a bloody civil war? Journalist Leonel Herrera, President of the ARPAS Community Radio Network, spoke about this from San Salvador with our news director, Samuel Orozco.

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