Republican Leaders Urge Colleagues to Support Immigration Reform; Same-Sex Couples Marry in California

REPUBLICAN LEADERS URGE COLLEAGUES TO SUPPORT IMMIGRATION REFORM – Under intense political pressure from the White House, Democrats, and Latino voters, Republican leaders of the House of Representatives called on their colleagues to support immigration reform or risk political losses. The big question is, Will the most conservative sector hear the call or rebel? José López Zamorano reports from Washington, D.C.

SAME-SEX COUPLES MARRY IN CALIFORNIA – The Supreme Court decision on Prop 8, the law that prohibited gay marriage in California, and the Defense of Marriage Act, which refused gay couples the federal benefits afforded to heterosexual couples, was celebrated in cities with large lesbian, gay, and transexual populations. One of those cities is Oakland, California. Our reporter Farida Jhabvala Romero went to a ceremony at Oakland City Hall where, for the first time since 2008, same-sex couples exchanged marriage vows.

CONSERVATIVE PARTY MAINTAINS GOVERNORSHIP IN BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO – Several states in Mexico celebrated elections last Sunday. The race for governor in Baja California captured national attention. In 1989, this border state made history when the first opposition party governor was elected, fracturing the political control that the Revolutionary Institutional Party (or PRI) had maintained for decades. According to the preliminary count of votes from Sunday’s election, the conservative National Action Party maintained power, winning the governor’s seat for the fifth consecutive time. The PRI contests the results. Manuel Ocaño has more from Tijuana.

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