Will the New Water Law Relieve Poor Families’ Crisis?

Un poblado pequeño en el Valle Central de California donde sus habitantes batallan para conseguir agua potable. Foto: Community Water Center via Facebook.

An small community in the California Central Valley, where residents struggle to get potable water. Photo: Community Water Center via Facebook.

“The farmworkers are still affected…there are more tan 2000 small water Wells that have no more water so these communities have to use bottled water…to fix this the small Wells have to be connected to other water districts that have water.”

Because of the extreme drought, hundreds of wells have dried up and thousands of poor rural families have been living without water in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Radio Bilingüe’s news director Samuel Orozco spoke with Noé Páramo, co-director of the Project for Sustainable Rural Communities with the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, about the recently-signed federal water law, which will supposedly reduce the effects of the drought in California. The law gives more water to farmers in San Joaquin’s valley, but what is there in the project to help working families and rural communities?

Una residente del Valle Central de California muestra impuridades en su agua potable. Foto: Community Water Center via Facebook

A resident of the California Central Valley shows impurities on her drinking water. Foto: Community Water Center via Facebook


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