Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Persecuted Texas Democratic Legislators Appeal to Senate for Voter Protection – More than 50 Democratic lawmakers left Texas on Monday in an attempt to deprive Republicans of a quorum and block a vote on a bill aimed at restricting voters’ rights. Declared fugitives by Republican Governor Greg Abbott, the missing lawmakers sought refuge in Washington where they are meeting with members of the Senate, including Joe Manchin, the crucial vote in the battle to pass a voting bill that would provide federal protection against restrictive initiatives like the one in Texas. José López Zamorano brings us this report from Washington.

Call for Urgent Action to Curb “National Epidemic of Gun Violence” – Deaths due to gun violence in the United States are reaching their highest levels in decades. During the pandemic, the number of people carrying guns increased and so did the death toll. 2020 was the worst year in the last two decades, and this year may prove even more deadly. Amid this wave of gun violence, Blacks and Latinos have been the hardest hit. Former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in conversation with our  News Director Samuel Orozco puts what she calls an “epidemic and culture of violence” in perspective and proposes urgent legislative measures to end the crisis. You can listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta at radiobilingue.org for Monday, June 28.

“Critical Race Theory” is the New Cultural Bogey Man of Conservatives, Scholar Says – Republican leaders are mounting a coordinated nationwide campaign accusing public schools of “indoctrinating” students with courses that divide society by teaching about race and racism. Republican legislatures have embraced this conservative campaign, passing bills that prohibit schools from teaching “critical race theory.” Sociologist Gonzalo Santos, an expert on the topic, says the campaign is full of falsehoods aimed at waging a culture war ahead of the midterm elections next year.

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