Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

California to Provide Health Coverage for All Undocumented Immigrants – California made history again this week by becoming the first state in the nation to guarantee health insurance to all its residents. Governor Newsom announced the landmark budget deal reached with the legislature that expands the state’s subsidized health insurance program, Medi-Cal. All low-income undocumented residents will now be eligible for Medi-Cal, opening the door to health care for undocumented residents between the ages of 26 and 49, the last age group excluded from Medi-Cal. Ruben Tapia has this report.

Colorado Prepares for Natural Disasters Using Advanced Technology – After a catastrophic year of increased natural disasters such as drought and wildfires in Colorado, a team of Colorado University scientists launched an interactive web tool to identify the communities most vulnerable to disasters. With this information, government officials will be able to create early detection systems and rapid response mechanisms for emergencies and help to mitigate damage in the most at-risk areas. Rossana Longo-Better reports from Boulder, Colorado.

Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Fuels Debate in Georgia – The Supreme Court’s decision to end the federal right to abortion has sparked an intense debate throughout the state of Georgia. Some Latina women have expressed outrage at the decision. Meanwhile, sectors of the Catholic Church and Republican and conservative groups have applauded it. This controversy has already spilled to the electoral arena, where it has become a campaign issue for the midterm elections. Atlanta Yemille Castejón brings us the details.

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