Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Dreamers Detained After Civil Disobedience on Border – Nine undocumented youth who arrived in the United States as children are now in a detention center in Arizona after an act of civil disobedience on the border. The nine returned to Mexico and then sought to enter the country that saw them grow up, asking for humanitarian visa. The slogan of their campaign? Bring them home. Valeria Fernández has the story.

New California Budget Restores Some Childcare Subsidies – The state of California cut almost one billion dollars from childcare and preschool programs in the last six years. But last month, for the first time since the beginning of the recession, Governor Brown approved a new budget that sends more funds to these programs instead of cuts. Farida Jhabvala Romero reports from Berkeley, California.

Deaths Under Intense Heat Wave in California – Three farm workers in California died in the last month as they were working under an intense heat wave that stayed at three digits during several days. After the death of Juan Ochoa, state authorities closed a farm where he worked, because it was not fulfilling requirements under the law to prevent heat stroke. One day later, the farm was open again. On Línea Abierta, we spoke with Ochoa’s brother, a spokesperson from the state agency, and an organizer from the United Farm Workers. Ruben Tapia prepared this report about the case.

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