Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Democrats’ Voting Rights Bill Defeated in Senate – On his first anniversary in the White House, President Biden suffered a major setback with the defeat of the new voting rights bill. Two senators from his Democratic ranks refused to support it. With an unfinished agenda, Latino activists warn that the president and his Democratic Party will struggle at the polls in November. That is, unless they can rebound from losses and deliver on campaign promises such as immigration reform and other social programs. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Historic Funding Proposed in California for Small Business and Health Coverage for Immigrants – Backed by a multimillion dollar surplus in California’s coffers, Governor Gavin Newsom included in his budget for the next fiscal year historic funding that offers universal health insurance and loans for small businesses launched by immigrants, among other investments aimed at immigrant families. Aracely Campa Ramírez, spokesperson for the governor’s office, explains the program in an interview with Chelis López on Línea Abierta. Listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta archives for Thursday, January 20.

Latinos Affected by Flooding in the Northwest Struggle to Get Federal Aid – Thousands of people affected by the torrential rains in November in Washington State struggle to recover. Although the federal government declared an emergency in the counties bordering Canada and the emergency management agency, FEMA, has mobilized relief workers, the aid has not been enough for many of those who lost their homes or businesses. In addition, many Latino immigrants do not qualify for federal aid. José Luis Buen Abad reports from Seattle.

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