Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

On First Anniversary of Attack on Capitol, Trump the Focus of Accusations – On the first anniversary of the failed insurrection on January 6, 2021, President Joe Biden accused his predecessor Donald Trump of trying to subvert the democratic process with a “web of lies” about alleged voter fraud. This comes as the former president is being investigated by a congressional committee and could face criminal charges.

Omicron Variant Explodes Nationwide, Affecting Unvaccinated the Most – Hundreds of thousands of people around the country continue to be infected with the omicron variant of the coronavirus. More than a million new cases were recorded last Monday, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. While all indications suggest that omicron causes a less severe, more seasonal flu-like illness, hospitalizations continue to rise, especially in states with low vaccination rates. How is this affecting our community?

Latinos Face Mental Health Challenges Amid Pandemic and Holiday Stress, but Are Seeking Help – Impacted by a pandemic that has hit them disproportionately hard and also by the stress of the holiday season, a common New Year’s resolution among Latinos is to pay attention to their mental health. This is according to a recent survey by the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Héctor Colón-Rivera, president of the APA’s Hispanic Caucus, shares his research. You can listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Wednesday, January 5 on radiobilingüe.org.

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