Arizona Bills Could Block Latino Vote; Family Members of Victims of Border Patrol Violence Travel to Capitol; Mexico in Flames

ARIZONA BILLS COULD BLOCK LATINO VOTE – Energized campaigns to mobilize the Latino vote in Arizona helped many Latino voters to participate with ballots by mail in the November elections. This year, the state legislature of Arizona, with a Republican majority, is pushing forth a series of bills that could pose obstacles for the Latino vote and criminalize groups who try work to get out the vote. Valeria Fernández reports from Phoenix.

FAMILY MEMBERS OF VICTIMS OF BORDER PATROL VIOLENCE TRAVEL TO CAPITOL – The current number of border patrol agents is the highest in history, but President Obama and the Group of 8 senators have said immigration reform will include more border security. A group of family members of people who were killed or seriously injured by border patrol violence, traveled to Washington to demand that accountability for border patrol abuse be included in reform. From California’s border, Manuel Ocaño.

MEXICO IN FLAMES – In her most recent book, México en llamas (Mexico In Flames), published by Grijalbo, the Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández offers a panorama of the serious cases of corruption and political complicity during the administration of Felipe Calderón, whose actions against drug trafficking resulted in the death of more than 80,000 people and tens of thousands disappeared. Raúl Silva spoke with journalist Anabel Hernández about her research.

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