Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

As Moratorium on Student Debt Looms, Calls for Loan Forgiveness – We are about a hundred days away from the expiration of the moratorium on student loan payments. Although President Biden offered during his campaign to forgive up to ten thousand dollars for the debt of each student, it’s not clear he will keep his promise. Pressed by time, many are calling for urgent measures to mitigate a crisis that affects more than 40 million young people.

On Gun Violence, California Gets an a “A” and Texas Flunks – California has been given an “A” while Texas got a failing grade in protecting its residents with laws against firearms and homicides. This is according to a gun control advocacy group that released a report card grading state governments on the issue of gun violence. Former Florida Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, senior advisor to the Giffords Law Center, discussed the study with our news director, Samuel Orozco.  You can hear the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Wednesday, February 23rd at radiobilingue.org.

Wave of Early Retirements Expected among Latino Teachers – Suffering from pandemic-related stress and lack of classroom resources, Latino teachers are considering leaving the profession in greater numbers than their white colleagues, according to a recent survey of the nation’s teachers. For some answers about this worsening crisis in Latino neighborhood schools, Heidi de Marco of Kaiser Health News reports from Inglewood in Los Angeles County.

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