Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Labor Protections Under NAFTA Put to the Test – During the first trilateral meeting of the free trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada, major workers’ and civil organizations in the United States filed their first labor-related demand. Using the rapid response mechanism that is part of the treaty, the groups accused an auto parts factory in the northern Mexican state of Tamaulipas of refusing to recognize an independent union and harassing workers and activists with the help of the state government. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women? A Reporter Describes Her Experience – For pregnant women, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 remains a difficult and complicated decision. Although health authorities in the United States recommend that each individual, checking with their doctors, evaluate the risks and benefits of being vaccinated, doubts persist in some Latin American countries. Our reporter in Phoenix, Valeria Fernández, tells us how she struggled to make the decision.

Can We Expect Immigration Reform This Year? A Latino Lawmaker Gives a Roadmap – If immigration reform is not approved this year, it may be off the table for a long time. With that certainty, legislators and pro-immigrant leaders are intensifying efforts to pass comprehensive reform or one of the smaller-scale bills stuck in the Senate. Will Democrats be able to obtain the support of the ten senators required to overcome the maneuvering of the Republican minority? If not, what are their alternatives to save immigration reform? The president of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Dr. Raúl Ruíz, spoke with our news director Samuel Orozco about this topic. This summary of their conversation was prepared by Marco Vinicio González.

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