Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Latinos Seek Inclusion in Infrastructure Plan – Amid the political battle over the big infrastructure plan between President Joe Biden and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Democratic lawmakers met with the president and asked him to prioritize Latinos and other vulnerable communities. They say this will compensate for the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on these communities. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Latino Immigrants from California’s Central Valley Hit Heavily by Pandemic – Latino immigrants in California have been hard hit by the coronavirus, especially in agricultural towns in the state’s Central Valley. According to a study by the University of California at Merced, Latino immigrants suffered an alarming 90 percent increase during the pandemic in Kings County. To investigate the reasons for this increase, KVPR reporter Madi Bolaños visited Hanford, the county seat, and shares the story of a Mexican farm worker who recently died from Covid-19.

The Story Behind the Great Cinco de Mayo Party – The Cinco de Mayo holiday, which commemorates the improbable victory of poorly armed Mexican troops against the mighty army of the French Empire, was celebrated in California before Mexico or anywhere else in the world. The first Cinco de Mayo celebrations by Mexicans and Latinos in the United States were held in 1862, just after the news of the surprise victory in the Battle of Puebla broke out. In his book, “El Cinco de Mayo: An American Tradition,” the eminent historian David Hayes-Bautista tells us why this day is a bigger occasion in the United States than in Mexico.

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