Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden Criticized for Dragging Feet on Border Emergency – Under fire from Republicans and Democrats over the immigration emergency at the border, President Biden tapped Kamala Harris and hardened the message that the border is closed. However, immigration activists and lawyers say the federal government continues to evict families, and that it has not accelerated the reunification of unaccompanied minors held in inappropriate facilities. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Mayan Leaders from Guatemalan Request Asylum and Demand Justice – Two human rights leaders from the Ixil Mayan community who fled Guatemala in 2019 after receiving death threats and requesting political asylum in El Paso, Texas, have been released from detention by ICE. One is a survivor of a massacre by the armed forces and a key witness in the case against General Efraín Ríos Montt, who was convicted of genocide. Both shared their dramatic testimonies on our national program, Línea Abierta. We begin with Gaspar Cobo, who talks about the historical persecution of indigenous communities.

Farmworkers in Washington State Closer to Overtime Pay – The Washington State Legislature is about to pass a measure that would give most immigrant farmworkers overtime pay for time worked beyond 40 hours per week. For more than half a century, farmworkers have been excluded from this labor law, which was the subject of decades-long struggle by activists and organizations that advocate for agricultural workers. José Luis Buen Abad has the details from Seattle.

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