Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Congress Prepares to Vote on Third Stimulus Package – Committees in the Democratic-controlled Congress are moving full steam ahead on Biden’s first presidential relief package. The legislative package includes direct checks for $1,400, more unemployment assistance and new protections against evictions. In addition, Democrats are continuing to push for the inclusion of an increase in the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and help for immigrant families. The proposal is expected to pass early next week with or without Republican support. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

A Personal Account of the Catastrophic Blackout in Texas – After a historic winter storm caused Texas’s electric grid to collapse, more than 3 million Texans remain without electricity and many are without clean water, mostly in Latino and Black communities. There have been reports of multiple car accidents and deaths due to exposure or carbon monoxide poisoning among poor residents. Private power companies are under fire for their lack of preparation. Our collaborator Mariana Pineda was affected by the disaster and describes her difficult experience.

Families in Sanctuary Churches Appeal to Biden – In his first days in office, President Joe Biden issued a series of executive orders aimed at temporarily easing the situation of millions of immigrants in danger of deportation. However, more than a hundred families who have taken refuge in churches across the country in search of sanctuary from deportation feel ignored. In the state of Colorado, some of these families are asking not to be forgotten. Jessica Bedolla spoke with two immigrants sheltering in sanctuary churches.

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