Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Immigrants Celebrate Executive Action – President Obama’s decision to provide migratory relief to about 5 million undocumented immigrants generated immediate rejection by Republican leaders of Congress. But among Latinos, the reaction was very different. The first surveys show overwhelming support and there was celebration among many immigrants, who consider it a good first step toward immigration reform. José López Zamorano reports from a protest outside the White House.

Thousands Protest Decision Not to Indict Missouri Policeman – A grand jury decided that the policeman who shot and killed a young African-American man in Ferguson, Missouri should not face criminal charges. The decision was received with anguish, disappointment and rage all around the country. Thousands poured into the streets in many cities to protest the verdict. Meanwhile, the federal Department of Justice will continue investigating alleged violations of civil rights on the part of the white policeman. On the national show Línea Abierta, news director Samuel Orozco interviewed Martin Castro, president of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Here is a fragment of their conversation.

Parents Accuse California School District of Discrimination – A group of parents and civil organizations are suing a school district in California, accusing authorities of discriminating against Latino and African-American students by using strict disciplinary measures. The Kern High School District suspends and expels more students than any other district in the state and also transfers many students to alternative or continuation schools. The plaintiffs say the practices affect Latino and African-American students more than others and push them to drop out of school. Our reporter Rubén Tapia has more details.

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