Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

DSC01650[1]More than 100 Women Arrested at Immigration Reform Protest – Seeing the House of Representatives delaying a vote on immigration reform, proponents begin a last minute effort to pressure the legislators. More than 100 women, among them top immigrant rights leaders and undocumented women, blocked the intersection outside Congress and were arrested. The act of civil disobedience sought to pressure Republicans and call national attention to the situation of millions of families living in the shadows. José López Zamorano has more details from the nation’s capital.

Clinics Seek to Fill Doctor Gap – Clinics and hospitals in California’s Imperial Valley are recruiting doctors from San Diego and health professionals that studied in Mexico to try to remedy a scarcity of doctors that could become even more acute when the health reform law goes into full effect. Manuel Ocaño reports from El Centro, California.

Pioneer of the Farm Worker Movement Dies – This September 2nd, on Labor Day, Mrs. Jessie de la Cruz, a veteran farmworker organizer and life-time community activist, died. In the 1960s, Jessie was a protagonist of some of the most well-known struggles of the United Farm Workers. This week, hundreds of social leaders and workers gave her a last goodbye. Our executive producer Samuel Orozco interviewed “Doña Jessie” many times over the years and brings us some of her words.

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