Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden Proposes Massive Infrastructure Plan – From Pittsburgh, in the industrial heartland of the country, President Biden detailed the first phase of a massive infrastructure plan to improve 20,000 miles of highways and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. Economists and activists alike consider it an historic initiative, but they also agree that financing the plan by raising taxes will lead to a tough battle in Congress. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Controversial Electoral Law Triggers Lawsuits and Calls for a Boycott in Georgia – The swift passage and signing of a controversial law that limits minority voting in Georgia has generated unanimous condemnation, from President Biden to prominent Democratic leaders and civil rights organizations. The policy has already been challenged in the courts and there are plans to put economic pressure on the former confederate and Republican-controlled state. Yemille Castejón brings us the story from Atlanta.

Campaign for Protections for Domestic Workers in California – For the second year in a row, a California legislator has proposed a law to guarantee job security rights for domestic workers, rights from which they have been excluded since the days of slavery. Last year, Governor Newsom vetoed a similar proposal. To convince him to sign, organized workers have launched a lobbying campaign that includes employers allied with the cause. Fernando Andrés Torres has this report.

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