Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Family of Immigrant Who Died in Private Prison in Arizona Wants Answers. More than a month after the death of a Mexican immigrant in a private detention center in Arizona, his family asks for transparency into the investigation of his death. The case, which generated protests of 200 detainees, also brings to light the need to humanize immigrant’s detentions, especially those with severe emotional disorders. From Phoenix Arizona, Valeria Fernández has the report.

Sick Workers: Legacy of Long-gone Smelter Company in Texas.  A group of former employees of the ASARCO smelter company in El Paso, Texas, have been dying of cancer, leukemia and other diseases. The survivors say their woes are related to the contamination caused by their employer, a metallurgical giant. The company was liquidated six years ago after 120 years in operation, and still has not been easy to find help. Kent Paterson with details in the voice of Ruben Tapia. This report is sponsored in part by The Fund for Investigative Journalism. http://fij.org/

Gay Couples Celebrate after Historic Victory for the Right to Marry.  In a close 5-4 decision, The United States Supreme Court ruled that gay couples have the right to marry in all 50 states of the nation. Despite the court decision to delay implementation for three weeks at the request of opposition groups, Omar González-Pagan, the lawyer for Legal Lambda of New York, considers that the implementation of the ruling is irreversible. In Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta program, the civil rights advocate noted the details of this historic decision and the battles that this community still faces to win full equality before the law.

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