Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Former Guest Workers Welcome Proposed Protections – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor are formulating new rules for guest worker visas. This is happening at the same time as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report that describes fundamental problems in the program, that have to do with the ease with which widespread abuse against guest workers occurs. Many former guest workers say it’s urgent to impose more protections under the law. Our correspondent in Mexico, Raúl Silva, reports. This feature story is part of our series “Voy Contratado: Migrant Rights”.

Baila’ora Celebrates Flamenco with California Festival – San Francisco’s Bay Area Flamenco Festival celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. The festival has become one of the most important showcases, outside Spain, of what flamenco is today. Several artists were invited from Spain to show how they preserve this traditional art. In cities like Santa Cruz, Oakland, Aptos and San Francisco, audiences enjoyed the very source of culture, dance and music of the gypsy people of Andalucía, with both traditional and contemporary flamenco. Fernando Torres met with the festival’s founder in Oakland, California. This feature story is part of our series Raices: Los Maestros. Artists Passing Their Art on to the Next Generation.

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