Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Parents and Friends of Missing Students in Mexico Seek Support in U.S. – Parents and classmates of the 43 teacher’s college students missing in Mexico are traveling through several cities in the United States to tell people about the atrocity and demand the young people be returned. The students have been missing since September, when police shot at them and detained them. At a public forum organized by Radio Bilingüe and other community media in San Francisco, a student and survivor of the attacks, Ángel Neri de la Cruz, spoke, as well as Blanca Luz Nava and Estanislao Mendoza, parents of missing students.

Latino and African-American Youth Use Theater to Call for Change – Bringing together creative energy through a play, a group of young Latino and African-American students in Compton, California try to call attention to economic inequality, police violence, and discrimination of immigrants. These young people, children of janitors, home caregivers and other low-wage jobs, are also trying to get more young people to commit to voting and reclaim what they call the American Dream. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has more.

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