Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Fast Internet Declared a Utility – With a vote hailed as historic, federal regulators approved new rules that reclassify access to high-speed internet as an essential public good. Telecommunications companies and Republicans in Congress are preparing to battle the proposal, calling it a “plan to regulate the internet.” On Radio Bilingüe’s national show Linea Abierta, we spoke with Alex Nogales, president and executive director of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

Are Health Insurance Subsidies Legal? – The Supreme Court listened this week to an argument against the Affordable Care Act. Based on six words in the text of the law, the plaintiffs are asking to annual subsidies that help millions of people to buy health insurance. What’s at stake is whether residents of states that didn’t create their own health insurance exchanges can receive tax credits offered by the law. On Línea Abierta, Ann Marie Benitez, of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, detailed the reasons why her organization argued in favor of tax credits for all.

Migrants Relearn Indigenous Languages Through Poetry – Families from diverse states in Mexico who reside in New York get together to relearn and revitalize their indigenous languages, through art, oral tradition, and literature. As members of the Iguana Azul project, the migrants and their children write, read and correct their own stories and poems in Náhuatl, Mixteco, Tlapaneco and other languages. For some, their native language is indigenous. Others are just beginning to learn them. Marco Vinicio González was at a commemoration in Nueva York of the 10 years of life of the Iguana Azul project.

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