Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Presidential Award for Farm Worker Organizers – Citing their extraordinary efforts to combat human trafficking and slavery in the fields of the Southeastern United States, Secretary of State John Kerry presented a recognition to organizers of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Kerry put particular emphasis on the benefits for tomato workers in Florida of the program known as Fair Food. On the national talkshow Línea Abierta, Lucas Benítez, co-founder of the Coalition, spoke about the award.

Labor Advocates Seek to Raise Minimum Wage – For years, a bill has been stuck in Congress that would raise minimum wage from 7.25 to 10.10 dollars an hour. In light of Republican resistance to pass the law, union and labor organizers are now directing their campaigns to voters and local governments, in an effort to raise wages at the local and state level. Some organizers shared their strategies on Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta. Our reporter Rubén Tapia prepared a summary of their declarations.

Many Immigrants Fail Written Exam in California – After decades of struggle, almost one million and a half immigrant drivers in California are now eligible to apply for driver’s licenses in the state. However, after the first month, only a small percentage have passed the written exam, the first big obstacle to get their license. Our reporter in Los Angeles, Araceli Martínez, spoke with some of the fortunate, who share how they prepared, and how the license changed their lives.

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