Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

How One California Family Decided on a New Health Plan – In the first month of the new enrollment period for the state health exchanges, about 300,000 people in California applied for the first time. Thousands more have renewed or changed their health plans obtained last period. One Latino family in Los Angeles sought help to enroll in a new health plan with a lower deductible, because the husband was diagnosed with serious health problems. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia reports.

Mexican-American Youth Killed by San Francisco Police – With shouts of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” and “Black Lives Matter,” thousands of people around the country have continued going out into the streets to protest the decisions of grand juries to not indict white police officers who killed black men Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York City. Leaders of the protests emphasize that these are not isolated cases, but a reflection of violence and police impunity afflicted on African-American and Latino Communities. On Linea Abierta, Chelis López spoke with community leader Adriana Camarena, about the case of Alex Nieto, who died after multiple shots by San Francisco police in March of this year.

Voices From Detention: Oscar Quintero – President Obama’s announcement to give temporary relief to an estimated 5 million undocumented immigrants was widely applauded among immigrant rights organizers. However, some groups called on the president to include reforms to the immigration detention system. Currently, an order from Congress requires the Department of Homeland Security to keep 34,000 immigrants behind bars every day. The Detention Watch Network is one of the groups asking that this quota be eliminated, and the network has been taping testimonies of those detained as part of its program Voices from Detention. Today, we offer you the voice of Oscar Quintero, from a detention center in Etowah, Alabama.

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