Weekly Magazine

Protests Against Police Impunity – In Mexico and the United States, intense public actions have erupted in recent weeks to protest against police violence and impunity, in Mexico because of the students who disappeared after being detained by police, and in the United States, after a series of deaths of African-American men and boys at the hands of policemen. This week, protesters in 43 cities in the U.S. took to the streets to demand Obama and Congress stop funding security forces in Mexico. In New York, the protest occurred at the same time that thousands of people were in the streets protesting police impunity in the case of Eric Garner, an African-American man who died after a police chokehold. Marco Vinicio González has more details from the streets of New York City.

Republicans Take First Steps To Block Executive Action – The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee held a hearing this week to question the constitutionality of the executive action ordered by President Obama, to give temporary relief to an estimated 5 million undocumented parents. On the national talkshow Línea Abierta, Samuel Orozco spoke with Rocío Sáenz, executive vice-president of the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, about the hearing. This is a segment of that conversation.

How to Navigate Open Enrollment – The second enrollment period for the new health insurance exchanges opened on November 15th. On Línea Abierta, Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, director of health equity at Families USA, answered questions about how to renew coverage and how to save money and find the best plans. Here are some of her answers.

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