Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Latino Could be Arizona’s Next School Superintendent – Professor David García is running in the November elections to become Superintendent of public schools in Arizona, a state where a third of the population is Latino, but no Latino has been elected to an executive state position for four decades. Though García is competing under the Democrat banner in a solidly Republican state, some surveys show him ahead. Professor García was interviewed by news director Samuel Orozco on our national talkshow, Línea Abierta.

California: Climate Change Epicenter
– At the recent United Nations summit on climate change, California was a prominent figure in the discussion. Governor Jerry Brown spoke to statespeople and businesspeople from around the world, highlighting the role at the forefront that the state has taken with policies like putting a price on carbon emissions and reducing greenhouse gases. We talked about the topic on Linea Abierta. Marco Vinicio González prepared this report.

America by the Numbers Unveiled– In a new series of television documentaries for public television network PBS, award-winning journalist María Hinojosa tells the story of the new face of the United States. The series explores the growing number and influence of Asians, Latinos, African-Americans, immigrants, and LGBT people. It also reflects on the enormous meaning that these profound demographic changes have for the entire nation. We spoke this week with María Hinojosa, producer and host of the series.

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