Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Humanitarian Crisis of Unaccompanied Children. Numerous Central American migrant families continue to fill up the Border Patrol’s centers along the border, where they are sheltered in precarious and overcrowded conditions. Thousands of these detainees are unaccompanied children who come from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.  President Obama has declared this a humanitarian crisis and emergency authorities have transferred hundreds of these children to shelters and military bases in Arizona, California and Oklahoma. Right-wing critics blame President Obama for this crisis, claiming that the policies of deferred deportation have triggered this dramatic increase of children migrating to the U.S. News director Samuel Orozco talked with journalist and Pulitzer winner Sonia Nazario, writer of “Enrique’s Journey,” a book that documents the deathly route Central American immigrants take to cross through Mexico on their way to the U.S.

Relief for Crisis of English Learners. English learner students enter public schools across the nation spending many years stuck, without being considered English proficient. They don’t get the curriculum and knowledge needed to get ahead and graduate. Most English learners in secondary school are considered Long Term English learners, meaning students who have been English learners for six-years or more. These students find limited support from the school districts. However, in Southern California a small school district has successfully managed to pull these students through. Ruben Tapia visited the district and has the story.

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