Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Texas “Deports” Immigrants to Arizona. With detention centers in Texas too overcrowded, officials have started to release a number of detainees, primarily women from Central America, who are put on airplanes and flown to Arizona where they are left helpless at bus terminals, with a notice to appear in court, but without means to reunite with their relatives. In recent weeks, hundreds of women who have been detained with their children have been flown out of Texas. Arizona’s Governor, Jan Brewer, has criticized the Obama administration for these measures and local neighbors have come out to aid these women. From a bus terminal in Arizona, Valeria Fernandez, brings us the story.

Latinos Headline California and New Mexico’s Primaries. Seven states across the nation held primary elections and Latino candidates take the leading role in key positions in California and New Mexico. Two Latino legislators could make history in California if they manage to get elected for two top level state offices, and two other hopefuls may increase the ranks of the congressional Hispanic caucus in the nation’s Capitol. In New Mexico, Republican governor Susana Martinez will face strong Democrat contender when seeking reelection in November. The day after election day, Radio Bilingüe’s News Director, Samuel Orozco discussed with analysts the elections results.

Farm Tractors Become Art. As a child, he arrived from Mexico with his family, to work without documents in the fields. Several years ago he left the fields and embraced his true calling, creating art. Now he uses his time to recycle empty oil barrels, old tools and farming equipment to create surprising sculptures. Martin Zuñiga, a known artist, whose galleries of choice for his artwork are local schools and the streets of rural communities, where he invites children and neighbors to participate by writing and drawing on the sculptures. Fernando Andres Torres met-up with him and has the story.

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