Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

President Biden Pushes Change with Barrage of Executive Orders – The Biden era entered its second week with urgent measures to speed up mass vaccination and rescue the economy, along with new executive orders to reverse the Trump administration’s most controversial policies. Meanwhile, Congress agreed on a schedule for the Senate impeachment trial of former President Trump and is preparing approval of a third federal aid package. López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Proposal to Extend Closure of Private Prisons to Immigration Centers – President Biden has ordered an end to contracts with private prison companies holding federal prisoners. However, citizens’ groups say the order has not been extended to prisons that profit from the detention of immigrants awaiting deportation proceedings, who are now at risk of contracting the coronavirus. José Luis Buen Abad reports from Seattle on initiatives in the state legislature focused on prisons for immigrants.

First Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign for Farm Workers is Underway – Farm work has been among the most lethal jobs during the pandemic. To protect farm workers, California’s labor commissioner and community groups have developed a pioneering program. Through an alliance with local authorities and employers, community organizers are traveling through the fields to clear up workers’ doubts about the virus spread, the effectiveness of vaccines, and labor rights. Heidi de Marco covered one outdoor gathering in the Coachella Valley and reports from Mecca, in Southern California.

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