Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Congress Certifies Biden’s Win After Violent Assault on Capitol Hill – Presided by Vice President Mike Pence, the US Congress counted the Electoral College votes in the November presidential election, certifying the victory of Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The session lasted until after midnight after a mob of supporters of the defeated incumbent President Trump violently stormed the Capitol building, occupying it for several hours. The riots caused five deaths and a great deal of damage to the legislative offices. In response, growing numbers of political leaders from both parties are calling to hold the president accountable and remove him from office. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Democrats Flip Georgia Thanks to Young, Latina and African-American Women Voters – In a costly runoff contest, Democrats won both hotly contested Senate seats in Georgia, victories that give Democrats control of Congress. Following the Democratic victory in Georgia in the presidential race, the traditionally conservative state is now a key battleground for future electoral contests. Analysts believe this historic victory is testament to the new power of young, Latina and African American women voters. Yemille Castejón brings us the story of election day.

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