Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Urgent Federal Aid Package Nearing Approval – After the Electoral College affirmed Joe Biden’s win in the presidential election, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are moving to urgently finalize a new economic aid package of more than $900 billion. The bill is expected to include new funding for expanded assistance to the unemployed, tenants facing eviction, and those affected by hunger. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Latinos Could Decide Georgia Special Elections – If the enthusiasm among Latino voters in Georgia continues, they could define the outcome of the state’s two outstanding Senate races. Party control of the Senate will depend on these elections. That is why a broad coalition of local and outside organizations and activists are working overtime to encourage a repeat of the higher voter turnout seen among Latinos in November. Yemille Castejón reports from Atlanta.

Latino Border Entrepreneurs Survive the Pandemic – The economic crisis triggered by the pandemic has bankrupted more than a hundred small businesses in the border town of San Ysidro, California. With limited federal aid exhausted, some entrepreneurs are reinventing themselves and many more survivors are struggling due to lack of customers and are demanding the reopening of the border this Christmas season. Jessica Bedolla reports from San Ysidro. This report was partially supported by the Center for Health Journalism at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Journalism.

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