Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden Announces Team to Plan Economic Recovery – With about 50 days remaining until President-elect Joe Biden takes office, he introduced the team that will design his economic plan. The advisers will be tasked with responding to the challenges of the pandemic and the economic crisis, and they have already recognized the need to tackle the deep social and racial inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Supreme Court Weighs Whether Undocumented Immigrants are a Person – This week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments to decide whether President Trump has the authority to exclude undocumented immigrants from the census for political representation purposes based on the argument that they are not persons or inhabitants under the law. Though justices expressed skepticism about Trump’s case, some were inclined to postpone the ruling. News Director Samuel Orozco spoke about the issue with Ángel Díaz, legal counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University.

Latinos in Small Farmworker Town Finally Get Clean Water – After more than a decade without clean water, a small Latino community in California’s Central Valley will finally be connected to drinking public water services and will no longer have to rely on bottled water. The victory of East Orosi residents is one of few that poor communities and communities of color have achieved in their long-standing struggle for clean water, the precious liquid other residents of the state take for granted. This news coincides with statewide public hearings by the state water board on ending discrimination and giving a voice to communities of color in decision-making regarding water distribution. María Esquinca reports on the outcome in East Orosi.

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