Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Calls for Better Latino Representation in the New Democratic Administration – As President Trump and his closest allies continue to question the results of the election, President-elect Joe Biden is busy assembling his cabinet. He has announced that he is putting together a team that is experienced and racially diverse. Latino organizations are calling on Biden to ensure that at least 20% of the federal posts go to Latinos. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

El Paso Sees Explosive Surge in Covid-19 Cases – The border city of El Paso, Texas, has become the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Texas, a state that has already surpassed a million cases. Amid this public health crisis, a political dispute has erupted over how to reduce transmission. The top executive of El Paso county, a Democrat, has ordered closures of nonessential businesses, drawing opposition from the state’s attorney general, a Republican, in a battle that is playing out in court. Meanwhile, with more than 1,000 new cases per day, hospitals are overwhelmed and the dead are accumulating at mobile morgue units. Latinos are particularly affected by the virus. Molly Smith reports from El Paso.

Analyst Warns of the Dangers of an Outgoing President – In politics, a “lame duck” president—one whose successor has already been elected—often refrains from carrying out measures that will later be reversed. However, President Trump has been challenging this unwritten rule while attempting to dispute his defeat in the courts, creating obstacles for his Democratic successor, Joe Biden. Political analyst and veteran immigrant organizer Larry Kleinman spoke with Radio Bilingüe’s news director, Samuel Orozco, about the turbulent presidential transition.

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