Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Hostile Blockade of the Presidential Transition – Despite losing the popular vote by more than five million and lagging far behind in the Electoral College, President Trump refuses to accept his defeat, alleging widespread fraud without presenting evidence and blocking the transition process. Meantime, President-elect Joe Biden continues building his government team and appointed a committee of experts to face the new wave of coronavirus infections. With the details from the capital, Washington, José López Zamorano.

Georgia Continues Counting Votes and Prepares to Decide Control of the US Senate – Rejecting accusations of fraud launched by the Trump campaign, Georgia’s Republican electoral authorities began manual counting of votes, a recount that had not happened in more than two decades. In addition, the southern state is once again the center of national attention since the crucial control of the upper house appears to depend on the special second-round election for two seats in the US senate in early January. From Atlanta, Georgia, reports Yemillé Castejón

Will the Election Case Go to the Supreme Court? – Seeking to reverse his defeat at the polls, President Trump appealed to the courts in an attempt to take his case all the way to the Supreme Court. With a large team of lawyers, he floods the courts of battleground states for the Electoral College with questionable lawsuits. At the same time, Trump unleashes an inflammatory and intense campaign on social media claiming, without proof, that his election was stolen. On the foreseeable impact of these legal skirmishes, the constitutional lawyer Juan Cartagena, president and legal counsel of LatinoJustice-PRLDEF, of Nueva York, spoke with news director, Samuel Orozco.

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