Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Record-Breaking Early Voting – With over 80 million ballots already cast, presidential campaigning has reached a fever pitch ahead of Tuesday’s elections. Long lines for early voting and attempts to suppress voting by mail have failed to discourage the millions of voters who have already given the first elections of the coronavirus era the highest early turnout rate in US history. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

Cuban and Puerto Rican Vote May Prove Decisive in Florida – Recent presidential races have been decided by very small margins in Florida. Now, amid high rates of early voting, residents of the state are similarly split in their support for Democrats and Republicans. The same is true among Latino voters in Florida, where the new population of Puerto Ricans is acting as a counterweight to the traditional Cuban-American majority. The Latino vote may indeed decide who gets Florida’s crucial electoral votes. Valeria Fernández brings the story.

The Crucial Latino Youth Vote in Pennsylvania – In the key battleground state of Pennsylvania, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden remain neck and neck. Both parties recognize that Latinos, and especially young Latinos, could cast the deciding ballots. Major issues for the Latino electorate include the response to the coronavirus pandemic, the defense of immigrant families, economic recovery and racial justice. Yemillé Castejón reports.

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