Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Barrett Evades Questions About Health Care and Abortion in Confirmation Hearings – Three days of hearings have concluded for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, with no setbacks on her way to confirmation by the Republican majority in the Senate. Barrett has denied being a Trump pawn and evaded questions from Democrats about her controversial views on health care reform and abortion, as well as upcoming issues like elections, voter rights and racial equality. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Anger at Trump Motivates Activism Among Young Arizona Latinos – Donald Trump’s re-election bid has energized the Latino youth vote in Arizona more than ever. Young activists from immigrant families have joined campaigns to get out the vote as a way to defend their non-citizen parents at the ballot box. This renewed activism could change the landscape of many state and local political offices. Valeria Fernández spoke with some of these new activists. She reports from Phoenix.

Voter Gives Account on Historic Day of Early Voting in Texas – Voters in Texas broke records on the state’s first day of early voting. The highest voter turnout was seen in Harris County, home to the city of Houston, where 130,000 citizens showed up to vote in a single day. Our collaborator, Mariana Pineda, stood in line for hours to cast her ballot in Houston that first day and tells us about her experience.

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