Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Immigration Issues Absent from Vice Presidential Debate – Separated by a Plexiglass barrier to prevent the spread of coronavirus, vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris faced off in a debate that touched on the response to the pandemic and attempts to curtail health insurance. Although these issues are of great interest to Latino voters, some activists criticized the glaring absence of the issue of immigration and economic support for essential workers and victims of the pandemic. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Enthusiasm Surges Among Latino Voters in Battleground State of Florida – Florida is among the most contested battleground states in the lead-up to the presidential election. While Democratic candidate Joe Biden has a nearly double-digit lead over Donald Trump nationally, in Florida, the race is in a virtual tie. Both campaigns have invested millions in attracting Latino voters, an increasingly diverse demographic that faces constant maneuvers to restrict voting. News Director Samuel Orozco spoke about this topic with Andrea Mercado, the executive director of The New Florida Majority in Miami.

TPS Beneficiaries Tour the Country to Promote Pro-Immigration Vote – A group of immigrant beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status or TPS is touring the country by bus to urge Latinos to vote in this presidential election. They are also asking Democratic candidate Joe Biden to reject the executive order canceling TPS and extend a path to immigration regularization if he is elected. In Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia interviewed Pablo Alvarado, leader of the National Day Laborers Network, one of the organizers of the tour.

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