Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Judge Allows County to Stop Care for the Undocumented – There are an estimated one million undocumented immigrants in California without health insurance, who can only go to community clinics for healthcare. In some counties, undocumented immigrants who are low-income can also receive free specialized care. Thirty years ago, the county of Fresno was forced to provide this type of attention to everyone who needed it, no matter their immigration status. Now, a judge has determined that the county no longer has to offer healthcare to undocumented immigrants. Juan Santiago has more details from Fresno.

Severe Punishment of Latino and African American Children Reported in Alabama – The Obama Administration has called to reform school discipline systems, arguing that many times African-American and Latino children are disciplined more harshly, which can have an impact on their achievement. In southern Alabama, a group of parents has accused educators in Baldwin County of applying severe punishment selectively against Latino and African-American children. Javier Aparisi traveled to the town of Foley, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, where many of the complaints originated, and has this story. This report is part of American Graduate – Let’s Make It Happen! – a public media initiative to address the drop out crisis, supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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