Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

First Presidential Debate Descends into Chaos – The first presidential debate between Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden will be remembered as one of the most chaotic and turbulent in history. The discussion of the coronavirus pandemic, the economic crisis and the supreme court nomination was thrown off course by the constant interruptions and insults mainly coming from President Trump. Among the highlights were President Trump’s refusal to condemn white supremacist groups, his refusal to accept a peaceful transition of power, and his controversial call for his supporters to watch the polls.

Supreme Court Debate Heats Up Following Nomination of Conservative Judge – One month before the elections, the battle over Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s succession on the Supreme Court is reverberating in presidential races and the Capitol. Confirmation hearings for conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett are expected to begin soon, with a vote at the end of the month, amid a debate centered on the legitimacy of the nomination and the future of Obamacare, the DACA program and Roe v. Wade. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington, DC.

Arizona Immigrants Avoid Doctors for Fear of “Public Charge” Rule – In Arizona, undocumented Latino families and those with mixed immigration status are avoiding clinics and hospitals for fear of being considered a “public charge” and facing retaliation from federal authorities. As a consequence, many families end up turning to emergency rooms, where care is more expensive and the public health risks greater. Valeria Fernández spoke with several mothers of families who went through that bitter experience. She reports from Phoenix. This report was supported by the Center for Health Journalism at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (https://www.centerforhealthjournalism.orghttps://annenberg.usc.edu).

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