Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Protests Against Racial Injustice and Police Abuse Spur Interest in Voting Among Youth – Protests against racial injustice and police brutality are front and center in the current electoral debate. During a controversial visit to the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, President and Republican candidate Donald Trump called the demonstrations “domestic terrorism” and accused Democrats of being weak on crime. Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Joe Biden responded that the chaos is caused by Trump’s bad management. According to voting advocates, this heated debate is stimulating interest among young Latinos in casting a ballot this November. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

In Oregon, Citizen Support Gives Hope to Two Immigrant Families – Three weeks ago, dozens of protesters in Bend, Oregon, blocked for ten hours the path of ICE buses that were transporting two Latino immigrant detainees. This unusual action in a predominantly White community was dissolved with tear gas by federal agents. The two immigrants were held in a private immigration jail in neighboring Washington State, but their families hope that the continued support from their neighbors will prevent their deportation. José Luis Buen Abad brings us the details.

Workers Denounce Poultry Plant’s Negligence Amid Explosion in Coronavirus Deaths – About 400 workers were infected with the coronavirus and eight died while working at Foster Farms, a poultry processing giant. After months of ignoring official health recommendations and under the threat of a boycott, the company closed its doors this week, pledging to disinfect its facilities and test its more than 3,000 workers for COVID-19. Our reporter, Maria Esquinca, spoke with several workers to find out how so many deaths occurred.

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